FAQs about Coaches' Training (updated July, 2023)
A. #1. You find out what courses are required when you register online as an OISRAN Coach.
- Register as a coach by selecting either the “Certified Coach” or the “Helper Coach” registration button.
- You are a “Certified Coach” if you coach students without supervision. If you are a Head Coach, you register as a certified coach.
- You are a “Helper Coach” if a Certified Coach is always present when you are working with students.
A. #2. All Head Coaches must meet the requirements for being a Certified Coach, but all Certified Coaches are not Head Coaches. A Head Coach has the responsibilities of voting and providing leadership for the team, including enlisting administrative support as needed. A Certified Coach can be in charge of supervising students without the Head Coach present, such as for supervising dry land training, for example, or they can supervise other situations when the Head Coach is not available.
A. #3. Yes. The required courses cover generally the same information, but a returning Certified Coach has already completed a “Fundamentals of Coaching” course, which must be taken only ONCE. A first time Certified Coach must complete a Fundamentals course during their initial season.
- Starting in 2022, the Fundamentals course provided by US Ski and Snowboard is the required Fundamentals course. Other previously completed Fundamentals courses have been grandfathered in for coaches who were Certified Coaches prior to 2022.
First time OISRAN Certified Coaches are required to register as a US Ski and Snowboard (USSSB) member coach for one year and take the specific online courses required for being a USSSB member Coach.
A first time OISRAN Certified Coach will complete the following courses:
- NFHS Concussion Awareness (or equivalent course)
- NFHS First Aid Certification (if you are not currently certified)
- Certification must be valid through the end of February
- USSSB may approve other courses as substitutions
- NFHS Sudden Cardiac Arrest (if you are not currently CPR/AED certified)
- USSSB may approve other courses as substitutions.
- SafeSport Trained Core – will be taken through the SafeSport website.
- US Ski and Snowboard (USSB) Fundamentals of Coaching
Returning Certified Coaches take the specific courses required by OISRAN.
A returning Certified Coach will complete the following courses:
- NFHS Concussion Awareness (or equivalent course) annually
- NFHS First Aid Certification – (if they do not have current certification, which expires every 2 years)
- Certification must be valid through the end of February
- Other First Aid courses may be substituted
- NFHS Sudden Cardiac Arrest (if they do not have current CPR/AED certification, which expires every 2 years)
- Other CPR/AED courses may be substituted
- NFHS Protecting Students from Abuse – every 3 years
- Equivalent courses (SafeSport, Vector, etc.) may be substituted if they are being repeated annually as required by schools and USSSB.
- NFHS Bullying, Hazing, and Inappropriate Behavior – every 3 years
- Equivalent courses (SafeSport, Vector, etc.) may be substituted if they are being repeated annually as required by schools and USSSB.
A. #4. A Helper Coach is required to complete the NFHS Concussion Awareness course (or equivalent) annually.
A. #5. OISRAN pays for all required courses.
A. #6. After you register online, the OISRAN Administrative Officer will send you an email message that explains which courses you need to take, and the Administrative Officer will order the courses for you.
- If you are a returning Certified Coach, you confirm that the OISRAN records are correct before the OISRAN Administrative Officer orders the courses you need. You will receive an email message from NFHS giving you access to the courses you need.
- If you are a first time Certified Coach,
- The OISRAN Administrative Officer will send you an email message that gives you guidance for going through the process of registering with US Ski and Snowboard (USSSB). USSSB will give you access to the “SafeSport Trained Core” and “Fundamentals of Coaching” courses.
- Three NFHS courses (Concussion, First Aid, and CPR) are required by USSSB for USSSB coach membership. The OISRAN Administrative Officer will order these three NFHS courses for you. You document to USSSB when you have completed these courses.
- You must initially pay USSSB for the USSSB registration fees, and you will get reimbursed from OISRAN, based on your receipt. You will not be billed for the NFHS courses you need.
- If you are a Helper Coach, the OISRAN Administrative Officer will order the NFHS Concussion course for you. You will receive an email message from NFHS giving you access to this course.
A. #7. The OISRAN Administrative Officer compiles completion date records for all OISRAN coaches.
- The Administrative Officer checks the NFHS online records for recording the dates when coaches have completed the NFHS courses.
- If you are taking courses other than NFHS courses, you must document to the OISRAN Administrative Officer that you have completed the other courses, so those completion dates can be added to the OISRAN records. For example, you will show documentation for completing the USSSB “SafeSport Trained Core” and “Fundamentals of Coaching” courses, or courses required by your school district, etc.
- The OISRAN Administrative Officer’s records are continuously updated and posted here. If you have any questions about these records, contact the OISRAN Administrative Officer.
A. #8. OISRAN wants all coaches to be fully aware that they are not insured if they have not completed the required training courses. The refundable $100 deposit reiterates and emphasizes this message to the coaches. The OISRAN organization does not have the leverage to force a coach to complete their training as a requisite for coaching, but they can show the insurance company that the organization did their due diligence for educating coaches about their liability if training requirements are not met. The liability for a situation where a coach has not completed their training falls fully on the coach. A team is also subject to penalties if a coach who has not completed the required coaches’ training courses is coaching students. (OISRAN Policy 19.2)
A. #9. No. It is a coach’s choice if they want to continue maintaining USSSB Coach membership. USSSB Coach membership fees for subsequent seasons must be paid by the coach.